"PAWS IN TIME" - Coyote

January 27, 2025  •  Leave a Comment


Coyote - 7 Photos


NOTE: All photography is done from a safe distance & location. The wildlife's welfare is paramount. 



The coyote featured in the photographs below was most likely born in the Spring 2024. He appears to be the larger brother of the small young female featured in the blog "Scarf (January 9, 2025)".


I had spotted the small female coming into a small wooded area from the ravine & as I began to take some photos, I saw her larger sibling coming in from behind.


I believe her sibling to be male because of size (although lanky & leggy) and his more relaxed attitude. While his sister took to to the lead and was only interested in moving along & hunting for a meal, he seemed to have more confidence in taking his time, pausing for a scratch or two (a future blog) and having a more laid back attitude of "no worries, I'll catch you up", which he eventually did (but in no great hurry). The two proceeded back to the top of the ridge and out of sight.


They appear to have a bond, which would make sense if they are siblings, but not the close bond that I've seen in siblings from other families when the two youngsters are both sisters of the same age. 


Later in the afternoon, he returned to the same wooded area for a quick meal or two and then retired slightly up the ridge for some R & R (Rest & Relaxation). He must have been there just chilling out for at least 20 minutes before rousing himself and heading back up the ridge. Last year when I had repeated sightings of three young coyotes (two female, one male), I had seen them on a few occasions finding a safe refuge on a hill in the tall prairie grasses and napping for a similar length of time. 


I have yet to see large mature adult coyotes indulge in napping during the day at such length so perhaps this is something the youngsters need or like to do to replenish their energy and work on their endurance.











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