The photos that follow were taken over a period of approximately one hour.
Same tree, same eagle but a changing sky. The morning began overcast, then changed to breaking clouds with the sunlight pushing through (Photo #1 through to Photo #4) and finally a completely clear blue sky (Photo #5 through to Photo #7). Alberta, Canada certainly has its share of almost shocking blue skies, particularly on crisp cold Winter mornings.
Am not certain if this eagle is male or female. Without his/her mate nearby, it's difficult to judge size but am thinking the eagle is male, as on his own, he seems to be on the small side.
A relaxing time for a bird of prey and a somewhat relaxing morning for me. I say somewhat relaxing as the eagle knows what his agenda is but I had to keep the camera aimed & ready, with a finger on the camera's shutter, waiting for that change in movement.
And after some grooming & surveying of the landscape, there was a period of stretching & clenching & unclenching of talons, before the eventual departure.