From "The Old Farmer's Almanac", the term "Dog Days" traditionally refers to a period of hot & humid weather occurring during the months of July and August in the Northern Hemisphere.
Another name given to coyotes is "Song Dog" because of their impressive vocalizations.
So what better title than "Song Dog Days of Summer" for the appearance in late July of a young coyote (pup) born in the early Spring. This was my first opportunity to see this latest addition. I don't know how many pups were born to this particular family this year but hopefully this youngster is one of several. And if he/she is anything to go by, we may have more extraordinary canids.
It wasn't until the coyote walked out of the tall grasses and into a clearing that I recognized this coyote as a youngster (Photo #6 & Photo #7). There is no mistaking that very leggy and lanky look and from what I could observe, I believe this canid to be male, particularly the way he was relieving himself. Now whether I will recognize him from his other young siblings is another matter.
The meadow where the coyote was hunting for rodents, as you will see from the photos below, has a purple flower growing among the grasses (Photo #1 through Photo #5). It is Tufted Vetch (Vicia cracca), considered in Alberta to be an invasive plant species but from a photographer's view, a lovely colourful contrast against the lush green grasses & a stunning young coyote. (All the photos were taken an hour before sunset.)
And as for that particular meadow, this has been a favourite "hot spot" for this youngster's older sibling by a year, Foxy. I have seen Foxy on several occasions coming back to this area after being on a long hunt, digging up & catching one rodent after another. Perhaps, there was some shared intel between siblings and it was equally successful for this coyote.
And rodents weren't the only thing on the menu. There was a much larger ambitious hunt that same evening but those details will be revealed in a follow-up blog. :)