September 15, 2024  •  1 Comment


Coyote - 7 Photos



Was surveying the surrounding terrain for wildlife when I caught something out of the corner of my eye. Thoughts went from dog, to off leash dog to finally coyote.


This gorgeous youngster is the second pup I've seen, most likely born this Spring to one particular family of coyotes. Her (and I'm going by body size & more delicate facial attributes to determine gender) sibling was spotted in late July 2024 in the same area. (See Blog of July 30th, 2024, "Song Dog Days of Summer".) She definitely is much smaller and not so leggy as the first young coyote seen. However, what she lacks in stature, she more than makes up in facial expression with those piercing eyes.


All coyotes have those intense yellow eyes but hers rarely narrow and the stare although hypnotic is in no way aggressive. In fact, she seems to view the entire world with eyes wide open, including a beaver in a nearby pond. Unfortunately, there were no photo opportunities as I wanted to maintain a safe distance and the path was obscured by tall grasses & shrubbery.


I could make out the coyote at the bottom of the path, just at the entrance of the pond, making eye contact with the beaver. I could see the beaver staring right back almost daring the coyote to come into the water and into the beaver realm. And like most youngsters, as there was no quick reward, the youngster went off to more potentially rewarding endeavours.


Her older sibling had managed to come almost nose to tail with the beaver on land. (See Blog of July 31st, 2024, "Summer School".) That would be coyote nose, beaver tail but a quick exit by the beaver into the water ended that episode. I wonder if he had brought back tales of his exploit to the other "pups" with a description of this strange mammal he had seen. "Really, it was brown & furry, hands with nails and webbed feet and it swam and dove under water for long periods." :)


So I suppose seeing is believing for this young coyote, with those "Bette Davis eyes". 












Magnificent eyes and beautiful animal.
Great photos!
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