The popular trees are now in bud (commonly referred to as "sticky buds), with the formation of leaves not far behind.
And it's also a time for "celebration" for porcupines. Having wintered on a diet of bark & dried vegetation, porcupines are heading into the trees for some succulent feasting while buds are plentiful. That sweet sap contained in the buds must be a great calorie replenishment and the taste must be like candy after a rather bland diet for the past few months.
But when the wind picks up, it's time to move floors to a location somewhat lower on the tree and more secure from the elements.
Some porcupines descend slowly down a tree, moving from side to side, gauging each foothold much like a rock climber making his/her descent. This particular porcupine took a more direct approach. Once a side was chosen, it kept to the same path making short work of the climb down to a lower branch.