Some of us are morning people and some of us, just aren't and a late start to the day is preferable.
I saw this little Red Squirrel earlier in the morning and although he/she was in close proximity, was just not interested in pausing long enough to have a photo or two taken.
So having spent most of the morning & part of the afternoon trying to track down a Long-Tailed Weasel that I had very briefly seen (unsuccessful), I returned to the area where I had seen the squirrel earlier. And yes, there he/she was on the same tree but obviously had tended to his/her previous business and was much more willing to take time out for some photo opportunities.
And if one is in any doubt that Nature has a heart, look carefully at the small tree stump to the left of the squirrel in Photo #7. Now it may just be the angle or a trick of the light, but that looks like a small heart naturally appearing in the bark. The shape was mostly likely created by a natural shedding of bark. (The stump is accessible by only wildlife so that eliminates the human element.)
And as for that squirrel, I suppose this particular one is best approached later in the day if photography is on the agenda.